“we have omnipresent knowledge about where everyone and everything is at all times; everything lost can be restored with a button. And I kinda hate what it does to my expectations.” <— this part! To take this is a different direction, I think the constant tracking and delivery information included when shopping online can lead to a weird sort of entitlement that leads to anger when things get delayed/don’t show up when expected. And also then the pressure on small businesses who do their deliveries themselves, yet customers expect to be able to talk to the driver/delivery person directly. I don’t know if this is coming across exactly but I think it’s interesting.

I’m sorry for your glasses. 😔

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omg this is such a great connection. yes!!!! i feel that too. like being able to see tracking at all times makes me feel actually more anxious sometimes. or relying on seeing tracking "movement" for a quick dopamine hit has become part of the "rush" of buying things online vs. in person

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Yes! And there’s this idea that every single parcel has an AirTag inside and can be found at anytime. Friends…they are literal needles in the parcel haystack. Can you tell I’ve done customer service for ecoms before?! 😂

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I work for a small, local business where employees do the deliveries once a week. I have had customers ask if they can have the employee’s number to call them with regards to their delivery! Umm no? All sorts of privacy violations and also, no. Just wait for your parcel.

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Omg bonkers! I'm equally surprised and not surprised. Oh and the amount of 'I'm returning my item, can I also get the shipping refunded?' is too high. Like no, you got the shipment service wtf?! I feel like an entire substack could be made out of this topic...

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A rollercoaster Viv i feel like finding the original pair would still keep me up at night

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The Scorpio jumped out in this post!!! This is all too relatable. So glad you got a replacement pair!

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lol it was truly the biggest Scorpio trigger

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ooohhh would love more info on how to submit a custom purchasing request on Buyee for items that aren’t on Yahoo, Mercari, or any of the other supported platforms!! This really hit home in terms of how hard it is to really let go in a digital age even of stuff that you have lost. Had a similar experience with tupperware recently.

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