I reallly reallly hope Substack doesn’t become a ‘video app’. The only reason why it works for me and I feel at ease here is because I don’t have to think about making videos. There should be a space where we can just BE.

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Fashion writing has become so reliant on pictures and looks with Instagram, and I am not surprised that is the reason why some of the most popular newsletters here are about styling and shopping, when there are many other ways to tackle fashion. There is a certain look about the people writing in the fashion category on Substack, and I repeat it is that way because of IG. Now with TikTok I am wondering how the landscape of fashion writing will evolve here on Substack. I don't think TikTok is as driven as IG when it comes to people looking neat, but it will definitely have an influence. I am curious.

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Interestingly, I identify as a stylist before writer, but I LOATHE making video content where I'm required to be speaking in front of the camera. I don't think I have single such video on my feed. I've talked about this with friends, writers, creators before - some people are skilled at communicating their message via video while others are more comfortable doing it in writing. I'm most definitely the latter.

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Substack feels good because it's different, so are the people or at least the way we interact with each other, wether by reading each other's work or by publishing notes etc.

I'm curious about these new functionalities but I don't have a lot of hope regarding the future of the app if the goal is to become a more intellectual version of TikTok, no thank you. And I believe that If the app goes that way, the people will too and the vibe will definitely change. This is what happened to Instagram and YouTube.

I really wish we could have one plateforme that isn't all about aesthetics and fame. One plateforme without brand deals and adds !!We need that.

But maybe I'm being pessimistic, who knows.

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Taking selfies/videos just doesn’t feed my soul the way writing does. I get bored of seeing myself and it’s frustrating because when I would post a selfie/ video it would get loads more engagement than anything else. If we could go back to the time of painting portraits and that’s it, I would love it. 😭😂 I want to live in the world of words and no cameras!

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this is honestly why, despite its many flaws, it's so difficult for me to leave twitter. no pressure to make videos or post selfies, just getting my little jokes off even (especially) when i've been in my pajamas all day and my hair looks terrible.

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Perhaps more should be tuned into seeing the beauty in nature as opposed to false beauty standards… not ugly- just beautifully you…💗

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I think it’s up to us to create a ‚substack aesthtic‘, that synchronizes with the mental state of writing. These platforms have to differentiate themselves from each other and If a person just records 5heir new video, uploads it in every platform, I don’t think they will find a community here. Substack has its own pace, which is different to TikTok or YouTube. I don’t think YouTubers or TikTokers will be successful here that work the same way on the other platforms.

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Also, I don't know why all social media have to be the same and cover everything? It was far better when each one of them contributed for one thing: one for family and friends, one for photos, one for news, one for video...

Substack should be for long form texts. That's it.

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I feel this sentiment—many people are drawn to writing simply because of the anonymity. You don't have to share your voice or your face to become popular. You could finally just be judged on your hard work of writing.

As for video content... I feel like it won't change the platform too much. Likely if people make video content it'll be recitations of their work or just sharing their creative process or life updates. I don't think this site will degenerate into TikTok or anything... But I am interested in seeing the future direction!

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I don’t think anyone’s less of a writer for posting video. I think many writers (including myself) are just tired of seeing social/content platforms homogenize into sites and apps that inevitably prioritize video, especially of the short-form variety. Not all of us enjoy video or are comfortable making/sharing videos, so it feels like we’re once again being kicked to the curb in favor of a trend that will make the platform money.

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i just don't understand why i should watch videos on substack, when i already have youtube/tiktok to do that

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I’m brand new here and have not posted a single photo within my posts feeling protective of this space, even considering it sacred. I want the writing to shine alone. I think that’s because I don’t want the pressure of creating to extend into that (photo). like it takes all my breath to make the sentences, find the poetry, organize my thoughts then omgg share them lol. so if I also have to consider imagery that pairs well, find it or even snap it myself, I’m stepping so far from the point. which is to recommit to writingggG. that said, I don’t mind photo here! I only resent if photo were to affect visibility. like are my posts reaching as widely? can they be beautiful without?

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I have tried making TikToks because that seems to be the lingua franca of getting ideas out in 2024, but I absolutely hate it. I'm always shaking like a little dog and hate being perceived on video. Substack feels like a safe space because I can more eloquently express my ideas in long form. I would be open to podcasting if that's the way Substack goes, but I'm a new writer so I agree it feels like we have to do Notes and promotion on other apps if we want this to go anywhere. I enjoy reading your writing tho Viv so no pressure to branch out and keep it up <3

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i'm sorry i forgot my caps was on

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The beauty of writing is that there is nothing to look at, it is all how you feel after you read something. Did you learn something, did your opinion change, did your feelings towards someone grow deeper. The beauty is that there is no standard, no look book, and no one size fits all. Us writers must hold on to that.

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