I just love the whimsy of the pigtails with bows- so Simone. Or is Simone so Didian?! I have formed a personal theory on the clip- perhaps however she held her head when writing cause that side to fall forward? It would make sense that she just grabbed the clip one day and it's convenience made it perfect so she kept grabbing it! We all have that favourite clip or scrunchie!
The long bob with that long-sleeved column dress. Unbeaten, imo
I think the brown clip is so funny bc it can't be *accidentally* so. She cannot have not known that it was a bit startling and unserious. So it must be a message to the viewer
I love the clip photos!! And this whole post, really.💗
tysm chiara!!
I just love the whimsy of the pigtails with bows- so Simone. Or is Simone so Didian?! I have formed a personal theory on the clip- perhaps however she held her head when writing cause that side to fall forward? It would make sense that she just grabbed the clip one day and it's convenience made it perfect so she kept grabbing it! We all have that favourite clip or scrunchie!
The long bob with that long-sleeved column dress. Unbeaten, imo
I think the brown clip is so funny bc it can't be *accidentally* so. She cannot have not known that it was a bit startling and unserious. So it must be a message to the viewer
Also, I haven't read anything of hers, I always felt like I *have to* but I was never intrigued by any of her books 🤷♀️
Absolutely the clip. I have the bob, I'll get the clip 👉
I love the pigtails!! Totally not what I picture either for her. Also definitely looks like it’s the same shawl in both photos you mentioned.
not just me right?? i like to think she wore that shawl a lot.
The brown clip is soo silly i love it
she is so unserious for it i'm gigglin
The clip 😭
she loved that thing
You just unloosed the paid subscription personal. The Buddha nature in me salutes the Buddha nature in you.
i want to try this clip style lol
Just getting through the "Education of" piece too—really glad you linked that. Loving it.