hello!! a long transit ahead so I’m wearing a practical, comfortable outfit with a water bottle and snacks in my baggu.
ama (fashion and writing are always popular topics but really any life stuff) in the comments and I will reply through tonight/the next day or so.
How would you recommend a modern size 16 (or ballpark) shop secondhand or vintage for summer? Fall and winter are easier seasons to buy secondhand or vintage for mid- and plus-sized bodies, but summer is harder. I tried so hard to find a realization par- inspired silk dress, but nothing has really caught my eye. I think I'll just purchase a new Rixo silk dress instead to catch the vibe. Even purchasing more contemporary niche brands on the secondhand market is difficult. I'm feeling discouraged but don't want to give up. Love your sense of style and intelligent, witty writing!
How do you take a considered approach to shopping without things you want selling out before you get your hands on them?